Kamis, 19 Maret 2009

Penjaga 3

Yes, I came to The Keeper's place this noon. I was disappointed, I couldn't find The Keeper around. I was sitting in the same place like yesterday. So, I can see The Keeper clearly as soon as The Keeper entering the place. I was waiting, this time with The Sun cheering me up. Finally, I saw The Keeper was entering the place. The Keeper spotted me on my regular-base camp-observer bench among the crowds. The Keeper keeps looking around to make sure everything was OK. The Keeper sits on his usual spot, in the middle of the crowds. The Keeper talked to The Sun for a while, then He stood up and walked to other corner. The Keeper left me without any explanation. That time I didn't know where The Keeper was going. The Sun suggested me to go back. I took different direction than I used to. Surprised. I found The Keeper sitting among The Elders. Automatically, I draw my camera phone inside my bag and aimed it directly to The Keeper. Nice and rare candid photo (if I can get it). The Keeper immediately stood up "No! Go away!" The Keeper shouted to me. Wow. Actually, that time I was hiding behind The Big Tree and it was more than 20 meters. The Keeper knew it when I grabbed my camera phone.

Rabu, 18 Maret 2009

Penjaga 2

I couldn't take a picture of The Keeper. He was sleeping when I came. I didn't want to bother him. This afternoon, not so many people come to his place, The Wind was a bit too strong and The Sun was hiding behind The Big White Cloud. So, I put a 'sign' there. I'm hoping He'll knew that I came to visit him this noon :)

Selasa, 17 Maret 2009


I met The Keeper!
He is nice, charming, and good to anybody ;)

(I'll post the picture later)

Jumat, 13 Maret 2009

Ambil Saja

I gave my heart (again).
You took it from me.
Empty. Nothing left.

Beri kabar kalau memang butuh. Aktifkan handphone kalau memang ingin.
Kalau tidak ada kepentingan yah suka-suka.

Sori yah gw orang penting!

Rabu, 11 Maret 2009

Mau Tau Aja

Haruskah di share yang dengan yang lain?
(setting mode: private)

Minggu, 08 Maret 2009


Wew. Minggu yang 'menggairahkan'. Haha. Jadi punya semangat untuk menghadapi sepekan ke depan. Yeah.

Hari ini gw berniat belanja mingguan. Tapi yah akhirnya berakhir dengan tidak belanja mingguan, tapi belanja barang-barang ga penting. Sepatu. Majalah. Dan kopi! Untuk yang terakhir bukan Starbucks atau Kapal Api secara tidak sengaja gw menemukan tempat
ngopi baru di pojokan mall. Kayanya baru soft opening deh, soalnya waktu gw ke sana cuma ada beberapa orang (tepatnya 4 orang) dan satu mas2 barista. Orang-orang itu juga sepertinya bukan tamu, mungkin pemilik, mungkin peliput berita (bawa2 kamera dan foto2).

Apa yang membuat gw tertarik, selain menu kopi dan tehnya yang beragam, adalah si mas2 baristanya. Haha. Biasalah, cewe mah ga boleh liat 'barang bagus' dikit. Lumayan buat 'hadiah' Women's Day :p

Minggu depan dapat dipastikan saya akan kembali lagi ke sana, penasaran sama minuman2 nya. Haha. Alasan banget :D

Jumat, 06 Maret 2009


"Anak yang ga bisa dilarang, dan dipaksa" itu menurut Momz.
"Tengah malam kelayaban di atas genteng, katanya mau liat setan gentayangan. Semakin ditakut-takuti, semakin penasaran dia"
begitu cerita Momz.

Makanya dia pergi melihat dunia. Penasaran dan pingin tahu.

Bimsalabim, abrakadabra!


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